celebrating new year with pain

as we nearly reach the new year, i'm ending something i love all this while. i'm sorry on what i did. it's not supposed to be understood that way. thanks for everything. you've been a great friend and mate to me. let's just say, you're not there yet to understand me.
love is trust. if you don't have it, just find another.
Hello peeps! Lately, my skin has been getting dried out like it was squeezed out or something idk whyyyy it happens to be like that. And yeah that’s horrified me much coz I can see blotches and cracking here and there on my face when I apply foundation. It freaks me out so much since I had an oily skin before. Yeah. It’s crazy how skin can change their mind to whether to go oily or to go dry today. Hell. So I am sure to find my quick fix and I decided to try the Garnier Aqua Defense Essence which I really wanted to buy when it first came out, but I didn’t see the need to use it since I have oily skin should I change have to had? Haha. I don’t think I need any other moisture than my already there excess oil. Back then, my face was like urgh. Like you can scrap the oil and place it in a jar see whether you can use it to replace your car petrol. Yeah, it’s that much no I’m just kidding. Haha. And when I use the Clean&Clear oil blotters, the color changes from matte blue to transparent blue. You know what it means? I HAD THAT MUCH OIL. That much. So I always wonder how it’s like to have dry skin? Would it be better than oily skin? Well, I can answer it now. It’s more or less the same. To have dry skin, you feel like the skin is tugging and you started to feel itchy around your face. It’s soo terrible. So to quench my thirsty skin, I bought this.

Oh my god. This is unbelievable. It smoothens out the surface of my skin instantly and leaves a very delicate skin. No more cracks and skin peeled. I superlove the transparency of the essence it looks very promisingly hydrating. And I also love the feeling after I slap them on my face. It’s so cold and makes my skin plump. J I highly recommend this to you guys. It’s not sticky too since it’s an essence not a cream. Retail at RM17.90, Watsons.

Remember my post on the clearance sale in hypermarket near my house? I said I bought Revlon photoready foundation right? But as I reached home, I realized that the color was absolutely not my color I think it’s a bit dark for my skin. So I went to change the color and they offer me Revlon skin matching makeup instead. It’s a foundation actually. It works wonders than photoready! This is so my thang as I love sheer finishing. I don’t really like high pigmented foundation except for which I have to be in somewhat event or something. Other than that, I’ll just wear a light foundation for daily use. So this is it.

It’s a fluid that flows easily, unfortunately so it’s kinda messy to handle. Just be careful with it so it doesn’t spill. Just place pea sized of the skin matching makeup onto your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Blend it with your finger gently until it blends with your skin. Oh I forget to mention this! It’s a white fluid with very tiny microbeads , purplish in color in the beginning but somehow when you kinda work it in a circular motion to blend it onto the skin, the exact skin color comes out and blends nicely. Amazing! I’ll show you how it works here.

the part where it dissolves is where the color match your skin.

So yeah. That’s it. Retail at 60something maybe I got this at RM25 on clearance sale that day. ;p

I also bought this lipstick which I personally doesn’t like it that much in the beginning. It happens that I bought it because the promoter offers me to try natural color lippie and he ohmygod should I say she? coz she’s actually a male trying to be a female. Whatever so she he suggest me Revlon colorstay lipstick in #natural cashmere. This is the lippie.

Honestly, I don’t like the smell of this lippie but the smell actually gone after awhile so nothing to afraid of. It’s probably just me. The texture turns out to be creamy when first applied but soon after, it changes to matte. Which, I superduperlove coz I don’t like creamy lipstick. And yes. It’s very natural plus looks like second skin to my lips. I don’t really like the color at first as I think it’s probably too nude for me. Then I watched this video she’s nieseea25 from Poland.

Isn’t she gorgeous? Although I don’t understand any of those words. ;) but hey, the dush ( I think dush means hello or something) is really cute.

So that’s all I guess the products I’d like to review for December and that makes it the product review for 2010. See you in 2011! Bye!

first of all, millions of congratulations to abang abang harimau kita yang berjaya mengharumkan nama Malaysia ke mata dunia, yet menggamamkan ( eh ada ke? ) garuda garuda Indonesia yang sesuka ati diorang je nak lemparkan kata2 kesat pada kita. semngat korang memang temy puji. buatnya temy yg main bola dah lama aku lari balik umah nanges nanges. tak pass test jpj pon dah nanges bagai nak gila. haha. game kali ni temy tertarik utk komen sebab ni first temy tgk boyfie kak ya iaitu apex beraksi. kagum tiba tiba tgk apex grab bola. wah wah wah dan wah lagi. chop nak sekali lagi. WAAAAAH! haha ok over. ohohoi ni kecik kecik belajar memanah ke ape ni? tepat tepat apex tangkap bola tu lalu dirangkul dalam pelukannya. wah gitew. ternganga temy yg menontonnya. temy kenal kak ya since semester 1 lagi. kak ya sebenarnya kakak angkat hanim. so yeah, kitorang knl macam tu la. and masa sem 1 jugakla kak ya kenal dgn apex. taktahan temy pon terlibat sama kenakan apex msa tu sebab kak ya nak test sincerity apex. tak dinafikan la apex memang gentleman and ikhlas nak kawan ngan kak ya. kata org, kalau nak menangi hati gadis, kenala menangi hati keluarganya serta teman temanannya. ehehe. hari tu temy ngan pejey g bandar machang nak amik barang pejey kat pejabat pos. sekali jumpa kak ya. kata kak ya, "korang, nanti buat buat macam kita baru jumpa tau.jangan kata kak ya rancang lak." ok bye kak ya. kitorang taktahu pon ape kebendenya plan kak ya ni. sampai je diorang kat Macde ok i know nama kedai ni takleh blah but what do you expect? ni je yang kitorang ada kat machang T-T temy ngan pejey pon borak ah ngan apex. kitorang ni dahla mmg hantu potpet kan. nasib ah apex. hehe. apex pemalu orgnya. merah muka muka sebab malu. mungkin malu malu kucing siam kot ngan kak ya. almaklumle udah berkenannnn. ;p dah siap makan ape sume, temy nak g bayar and turn out that apex yang g bayarkan untuk SEMUA. eheh. gentleman mana nya jejaka seorang ini? so temy rasa apex memang the one la utk kak ya. yelah hati kawan kawan nya pon dah dimenangi dengan wang ringgit. hehehehe tak tak temy ngan pejey bukan mata duitan. bukannn. lepastu apex hantar kitorang semua balik that's all. hahaha. nak tahu lebih lebih lagi psl diorang boleh direct ke blog kak ya di sini. and boleh baca entri kak ya featuring kitorang di sini.

and to all players, congratulations. you guys did an excellent job. bangga semena mena temy jadi anak Malaysia. bilalah turn aku plak nak mengharumkan nama negara. aiyo loser tul.

till now guys. babai!

p/s: congrats to kak ya berjaya sambung degree cepat. kawen pun cepat cepat ye kak yaaaa. ;p
temy's omelette
pic credit to google images

ok yg atas tu memang bukan omelette yang temy buat ah sebab mulanya temy main letak je apa yg temy rasa nak letak.rasanya taktahu ke mana hala lagi.haha.dah makan baru tahu, um sedap jugak rasa macam seafood pizza pulak. eh boleh? so temy decide nak share recipe ni dengan korng supaya bila korang taktahu nak makan apa utk breakfast, korang boleh try recipe suam suam kukukakikakakku ni. ehehe.

bahan bahan yg diperlukan:
beberapa ekor udang; dibugilkan seluruh tubuhnya.jangan malu2 sebab dia dah mati.sobs.
2 bijik telur ayam bukan telur unta wah kau sape nak makan ni.
garam secukup rasa
cili padi letak banyak untuk yang suka pedas kalau taksuka pedas pon kena letak jugak tak kira! eheh.influence orang makan pedas pula ;p
special ingredients: oregano leaves ataupun beli je yg dah siap dalam botol kat kedai tu. cari kat herbs section. harganya dalam rm8.90 je and boleh guna sampai tahun depan. ;)

cara membuatnya:
mula2 potong udang kecik2 kau jangan cincang plak pandai2 je eh.pastu potong cili padi kecik2 korang lupa kalau nak letak onions pon boleh gak.potong ring eh tau tak? pastu pukul semua bahan tu ngan 2bijik telur tadi.dah seiya sekata sehati sejiwaaa boleh ah letak garam and sesudu kecil oregano leaves. masak ah dalam frying pan yang flat tu.baru nampak rupa omelette. eh before goreng tau kan kena letak minyak sikit kan? hehehe. jangan banyak sangat eh. kita ni nak mengurangkan lemak. dah masak sebelah,balikkan dan masak sebelah lagi. tadaaa! dah siap.

selamat mencobaaa!

Hello guys! I’m pretty sure kite sume rindu zaman persekolahan kan? Tulah time nak cintan cintan monyet. Org putih kata puppy love whatever gila matsaleh ni ada je unsur anjing dalam kehidupan seharian.buat buat lupa panggilan utk ayeh adalah puppy.but hei.that’s another story.haha.temy punya bukan nak panggil anjing ye. Bukan T-T ramai orang salah faham tu ah ayeh temy nak tuka panggil ayehbo sbb kawankawan start pgl temybo dah sekarang ayeh taknak.katanya dah terbiasa dengan panggilan puppy. Whateverrrrr. Eheh macam diari cinta temy pulak. ;p nvm, I’ll write another post for temy and ayeh pula next time. Tu pon kalau ada yang takgeli tekak baca. Huehehehue. So today, temy nak share zaman persekolahan temy start from darjah 1 until darjah6. Stay tune! Ok temy kalau tak bajet pengacara hugo sangat pun takpe.btw, korang tengok tak rancangan hugo masa temy darjah 4? Tahun bila eh korang kira sendiri ah alah kata pandai math. Haha. Temy sekarang 19 tahun muda belia remaja lagi iolsss.

Darjah 1

First day sekolah temy dah tahu apa makna berdikari. Masa temy kecik2 temy tak tinggal dengan mama baba. Baba jadik cikgu sekolah kat serdang. Mama pulak sambung belajar kat upm. Kalau temy ikut diorang, sape nak jaga temy? So the only person yang tinggal dengan mama baba ialah alif which is the only abang I have. masa temy darjah 1, alif darjah 4. Dia takpe ah laki sape nak usik dia an an an. So temy dengan adik temy,amin which is also the only adik I have stay Kelantan dengan ibu. Ibu ialah kakak kepada mama. Masa tu, ibu takde anak lagi so ibulah yang besarkan kami. Sobs. Ibu pun cikgu jugak so on the 1st day nak masuk sekolah, ibu takleh la nak tunggu temy macam mak orang lain.ibu kena pegi sekolah dia pulak sebab kalau ibu tunggu temy habis sesi sekolah,mak mak budak lain tunggu ibu sampai habis sekolah ke macamana tu?hihihi. so pagi2 dalam pukul 7 macam tu ibu hantarkan temy ke kelas 1kenanga. Ibu carikan meja depan sekali adoi memang carik nahas ah temy pastu salam ibu ape sume, ibu pon berangkat ah ke skolah dia. Next to temy, ada sorang budak ni nama dia Izzati kawan sampai sekarang uolsss tengok ah utuh tak utuh ;p temy taksure whether izzati or sape je tengah nangis standard ah budak2 takut masuk sekolah takut mak tinggal kan mesti ah nangis.temy nak nangis gak sebenarnya tapi dah mak budak tu cakap tengok kawan tu tak nangis pun mak dia tinggal gi kerja. Siot je takjadik ah nak nangis ni. Takpasal pasal kena bajet wanita cekal. Uhh. Masa darjah 1 kan.temy kena lempang ngan cikgu mariaaaam.hihihi sebab cikgu mariam suruh buat kerja dalam kumpulan @ lukis oren masa tu, and turned out that temy the only person yang potpetpotpet dalam group tu siap ajak kawan sebelah tapi biasa ah selalunya yang kepala tu memang takkan siap kerja punya. So yeah. Kawan yang diajak berbual tu eh aku rasa izzati ah budak tu siap lukis, temy taksiap2 lagi. Pastu cikgu mariam pon ape lagi.lempang ah temy hamek kau. Ehehe. Tu 1st time pengalaman rasa tangan di pipi. Manis gak rasanya ade ah payau sikit. ;p cikgu darjah temy namanya encik asnu. Hihihi encik asnu selalu dapat surat cinta dari temy mengatakan temy nak gi kl ni cikgu. Nak gi rumah mama baba. Dalam setahun tu temy rasa adela berpuluh2 gak surat cinta temy kepadanya tu. Takpenah balas. Cikgu balas ngan senyuman je. Takpe ah cikgu senyum pun temy dah bersyukur :’) mau tak bersyukur buatnya cikgu takrela temy bercuti sesuka hati, kena gantung sekolah dah aku darjah 1. Ni memang juvana gila ah kecik kecik dah kena gantung sekolah. Ape lagi eh. Ah! Masa darjah 1 kan temy ngan izzati bawak air teh gi sekolah pastu sengaja letak dalam botol air mineral pastu shake2 sampai berbuih pastu minum pretend macam minum err arak kan ya Allah jahil gila kecik2 dulu T-T pastu jalan macam orang mabuk. Haha. Bongok gila ah dulu. Ehehe. Teringat kalau kat kantin, pantang ada je orang makan berdiri siap ah orang tu nanti pengawas cakap kat dia “makan duduk.” Dua patah perkataan tu je yang pengawas akan sebut kalau kat kantin. Lupa nak bagitahu, temy masa darjah 1&2 sekolah kat all girls school. So macam well mannered gak ah sorang2.

Darjah 2

Darjah dua ni tak banyak sangat bezanya dari darjah satu. Cuma dah pandai buang sampah senyap2 macam jalan ngan kawan kan pastu buat2 tgh cakap pastu buang ah sampah tu. Drop macam tu je tanpa ada perasaan belas pada tukang cuci sekolah. Ehehe. Ampun pakkk. Darjah dua suka gi kedai Garfield yeay! Taktahulah kenapa panggil kedai Garfield walhal takde pon Garfield dlm kedai tu. Selalu gi kedai tu sbb nak beli chocolate balls takpun gi awal2 sebelum masuk sekolah petang sebab nak tengok makcik tuan kedai hias kek pakai icing. Hihihi. Selalunya temy je yang excited nak tengok. Kawan2 semua bo layan je. Hehe. Sebelah kedai garfiled lak ada kedai apa tah taktahu nama temy selalu beli jajan kat sini and also beli guli. Ok serious yang ni temy lupa kenapa beli guli. Mungkin buat koleksi di hari muda? Whatever lupa lupa lupaaa. Darjah dua temy kelas 2Mahir. Mungkin the dumbest student in class kot sebab selalu kena rotan kat tangan dengan cikgu hazmawani sebab lupa sifir.gila ah dulu kena hafal sifir1 sampai sifir12 doh. Pastu kena nyanyi macam siti sifir serious taktipu. Mencik ah. Pastu kan, satu hari ada pertandingan menyanyi dalam sekolah tu. So sape2 yang berminat kena ah gi audition dulu. And taktahu jugak yang ni kenapa walhal bila je temy suka nyanyi? Hahahhahaa . Temy gi audition tu. Hajat di hati nak nyanyi lagu baba black sheep. Budak2 standard ah main tibai je nyanyi taktahu pronunciation ke mana hala kan. Bukan anak cina ni eh anak cina pun pelat au. So temy nyanyi baba black shit hepy2 woo. Ehehe. Sepatutnya baba black sheep have you any wool kan? Eh ke? Hahaha major loser sampai sekarang taktahu lagu yang betul. Obviously lah tak terpilih kan sob sob sob. Start dari hari tu temy insaf T-T

Darjah 3

Darjah 3 mama ajak pindah ngan dia kat kajang. Yahoo! That’s because mama dah habis belajar and dah jadik cikgu sekolah. So temy boleh pindah ke sana yeyeay amin kena tinggal sorang kat Kelantan yeyeay. Darjah 3 temy tinggal kat sungai ramal dalam, kajang. Area yang agak rural tapi takdelah kawasan orang asli ke ape dulu masa temy duduk situ takbanyak sangat development. Last time temy pegi tahun lepas ke tahun ni eh lupa lagi ok baiii boleh consider diri seorang pesakit Alzheimer dah. Ha last time temy pegi, dah sangat sangat sangat pesat membangun dah. Temy sukaaaa sangat tinggal kat situ sebab it’s my second chance of proving I’m an independent young girl. Pagi temy akan gi sekolah agama (kalau area Selangor memang macam tu.kalau pagi kita sekolah kebangsaan,petang kita akan gi sekolah agama.and vice versa.i guess so la sebab takde pon yang tak mematuhi system tu kat area temy tinggal tu) so pagi temy sekolah agama,alif sekolah kebangsaan.mama gi mengajar as well as baba. Sukaaaa sekolah agama although mula2 masuk budak lain semua dah khatam quran temy sorang je takhabis lagi muqaddam. Malu siot. Time rehat je main water ice. Hihi. Main sampai jatuh and pernah one time kain siap koyak agi nasib baik mama tak marah.hihihi. temy dulu darjah 3 jual sticker teletubbies tau. And plslah. Ade orang beli. Hahaha. Takleh blah gila yang ni. Dahlah jual satu sticker tu 50sen. Jahatnya temy.bila temy balik sekolah, mama baba alif takbalik lagi dari sekolah. Ini kerana sekolah agama tamat pada pukul 11 pagi. Maka pulanglah temy bersama jiran sebelah dan depan rumah iaitu wani,wana dan zakiah kite kamu ke rumah masing2.dekat je sekolah ngan rumah 2minit sampai. ;) temy balik rumah,duduk sorang2.bukak tv, tengok cita Paddington bear. Pastu sambung ke inspector gadget. Mama taktinggalkan makanan sebab nanti takut temy bakarkan rumah lak time nak panaskan lauk.better not, gi makan je kat sekolah nanti rehat. Sampai time nak gi sekolah petang, temy mandi siap2 kunci rumah pastu bagi kunci kat cik yah sebelah rumah so that bila alif balik, dia boleh masuk rumah. Siannn kitorang kan? L balik sekolah kebangsaan petang haha boleh buat nama sekolah sendiri. Baba suruh gi mengaji kat qiraati. Time ni lah temy tahu baca al quran. Alhamdulillah. J oh! Masa darjah tiga suka gak gi rumah Fatimah, tapi rumah Fatimah jauh sikit la.mandi rumah Fatimah la.haha. suka sebab kena lalu jugak depan rumah razak. Darjah 3 temy suka razak. Ala semua orang suka razak sebab razak putih gigi berlapis sikit tak ke comel tu? Hehehe. Selalu nampak razak sapu daun kering teman ayah dia yang dah pencen agaknya habis kenapa dia takgi keja? Ha ha. 1st time sambut hari kanak2 and 1st time tahu oh ada rupanya hari untuk kanak2 ialah masa darjah3.tengokkk.rural2 pon curlass mak. Haha.

Darjah 4

Meninggalkan sungai ramal dalam and moving to puchong. Sob sob sob. Sedih sangat tau. Dahlah pesat membangun tak rural cam kajang dah. So dah takboleh nak jalan sesuka hati gi kedai nanti ada orang culik mintak tebusan belas belas ribu camana? Sape nak bayarkan? Tapi sekolah okla. Darjah 4 kelas 4anggun. Ehehe. Cikgu Asiah memang terbaik gila kau memnag the bomb sebab ajar cara yang lebih sistematik untuk jawab soalan math. Dia siap belikan kitorang whiteboard kecik sorang satu so bile dia bagi soalan kita akan cepat2 jawab atas board tu and angkat.sape paling cepat angkat and betul jawapannya memang terbaik ah kan. Baru temy perasan yang cara ni membuatkan kelas takbising and semua macam produktif gila. You’re the best lah cikgu! Cara yang sangat berkesan untuk mententeramkan kelas yang diserikan dengan teriakan kalai selvam dan prabhakaran yang takhenti henti panggil temy ‘belacan’ idk why T_T hina sangat ke belacan. Hahaha emo pula. Tak ah diorang gurau2 je, KOT. Although diorang pernah kurung temy dalam bilik stor belakang kelas. GURAU JE KOT. Gurau je. Darjah 4 temy suka Adli.hihihihi. adli comel oh mata sepet rambut belah tengah erkkk putih macam cinaaaa. Dahlah dia ketua darjah temy penolong kan. Eiyy berbunga2. Tapi Adli suka Nurelyaweniey. L takpe ah budak2 takpe suka dalam hati pon. Sepanjang sekolah kat sk puchong perdana, temy taktahu kenpa yang ni memang pelik gila temy pon hairan kenapa malu sngat nak gi kantin. So yeah,temy tak pernah makan kat kantin masa sekolah kat situ. Nasib baik masa darjah5 temy jadi pengawas so time rehat kena buat rondaan.

Darjah 5

Darjah 5 temy aktif kokurikulum. That’s the most active time for me for the entire life actually. Haha. Temy involved dengan aerobic, gymnastic, persatuan bulan sabit merah, pengawas and all that stuff. Dulu kokurikulum hari sabtu so EVERY SATURDAY temy akan terpacak kat sekolah. Haha very the loyal mak nokk. Ada satu hari tu kan masa koku cikgu bagi mee goreng suruh makan kat kantin, temy pon gagahkan diri gak ah ke kantin.tak ramai orang pon sebab yang rajin gi koku bukannya seramai orang terpaksa gi sekolah hari hari. Pastu kan cikgu takbagi garfu ke sudu ke. Kena makan ngan tangan ah which is temy tengok sorang budak india ni makan gelojoh gila ngan tangan dia macam hantu hantu makan dalam movie. Camtu ah. Eee terus temy takjadi makan. And oh masa ni amin pun dah pindah ngan kitorang sebab dia dah masuk darjah 1 mama dah boleh jaga dia.mamatok pun dah moved in sama kitorang. Fyi, temy takpernah berenggang dengan mamatok except for masa temy darjah3. Setahun sajeee. And sampai sekarang temy tido dengan mamatok :’) darjah 5 pon suka Adli gak walaupun dah lain kelas. Hehe. Hey besties temy masa darjah 4&5 pon izzati jugak! Tapi ni izzati lain la.and still, kawan sampai sekarang. Dia makin cantik sekarang auw hugs. Oh ya. Darjah 5 rumah temy berpindah ke Bandar baru bangi tapi sekolah still sekolah yang sama fuh nasib baik. Penat ah tiap tiap tahun nak kena perkenalkan diri dalam kelas. T-T hujung tahun darjah 5, temy pindah ke Kelantan balik. Sebabnya mama& baba dah boleh bertukar ke Kelantan. Sedih sangat sebab mama bagitau sehari sebelum nak pindah. Temy tak sempat nak say goodbye kat satu sekolah. Sempat babai babai ngan classmate je wuuu. Eh lupa temy ada sorang lagi bestfriend. Nama dia syafiq muka macam cina. Syafiq I know there’s a tiny chance for you to read my blog but still, if you read this pls contact me asap. PLEASE ya diulangi please. Hihi. Aku rendu banget deh sama kamu. And temy jugak teringin nak jumpa liyana baharis who wrote amazing novel at that time. Gila tak gila budak darjah 5 tulis cita cinta sampai buat temy nangis. Gila tak gila tak? Liyana baharis I’d like to see you now! Untung2 aku takpayah gi beli novel kat kedai. Haha.

Darjah 6

Temy di sk Islah, kota bharu Kelantan. Hihihi kelakar sangat masa 1st day sebab temy kata my former school was sk puchong perdana .habis satu kelas malu nak cakap ngan temy sebab diorang taktahu nak cakap apa plus takut terkeluar slang Kelantan. Haha. Sampai budak sebelah temy, anis redzuan rasanya masa tu tanya, “awak dah ada jadual kelas?salinla saya punya” temy pun jwab “ ok takpolah nati sayo salin” (ok takpelah nanti saya salin) haha. Terkejut si anis. Dia macam malu2 sebab dia mengambil masa yang agak lama sebenarnya untuk tanya temy tu. Mungkin dia guna teknik temy nak mintak apa2 dengan mama iaitu kira 123 dalam hati baru tanya? ;p kat islah temy ada few besties. Ada fatin nabilah, delin, yayah. Yayah dah nak kawen ouh bulan 1 tahun depan. Dia kawen ngan pilot siot je kau dapat pilot kan. Hehehe I’m happy for you yang. Semoga kekal ke anak cucu. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki. Semoga cepat dapat anak. Ok baiii ni bukan karangan ucapan untuk yayah. Anyhow, temy hepy sebab semua kawan kawan temy membesar dengan hebatnya sekarang. Setakat ni takde lagi la temy dengar ada yang masuk penjara ke ape. Alhamdulillah semua Berjaya.

Ok I guess that’s all for the junior edition. Tunggu aja edisi senior nyaaaa. Bubye lovely readers!

weekend family dine
you guyssss! for the first time in my life, temy takrasa loser sangat. eheh. so today family temy sajasaja je buat lunch sama. tapi special sikitla hari ni. makan pun ala italiano je. and temy masak. ok bye temy masak semua. hahaha. tak ah triffle mama buat. fruit cocktail pon temy tolong mama. but the main course temy yang masak. dengar tak? temy maaaaasak!. hihihi. ok overwhelmed pula. -_-" what i cooked just now was.. cececeh.

spaghetti bolognese.
takyah cari ah spaghetti nya memang takde dalam tu.haha.ingat mee kari ke.

chicken&mushroom soup.
nampak macam masak lemak cili api tak korang? tehehee.

triffle mama yang digembar gemburkan.
terbaik kau memang the bomb ah. creamy and sweet. :)

fruit cocktail yang pada mulanya baba yang excited nak buat tapi di alih tugas kepada isteri dan anaknya . uhuh.

ok bye lemonade sakit gila tangan aku perah lemon. huaa naseb baik maveles :')

mamatok gagahkan diri makan spaghetti. haha dia taksuka western2 ni.

the baru-balik-semayang-jumaat-guy 1 lepastu tibatiba bertukar jadik waiter. ee takutnye.

the baru-balik-semayang-jumaat-guy 2. tak bertukar jadik ape2 kus semangat cuma nak cakap this guy makan sampai tiga pinggan. eheh nasib baik makan kat umah. kalau kat italian restaurant betul betul mau kopak gak this guy. ;p

so yeah, that's all for today. sape2 yang nak resipi makanan di atas jangan ah malu2 leave your comment. ehehe. ttyl (tibatiba feeling paris hilton cakap cenggitu) babai.
hello guys! temy is calling all beauty freaks to go check out year end clearance sale of revlon cosmetics. there's also silkygirl's. grab revlon cosmetics at less than rm25! i bought revlon photoready @ rm25 though. ;p adn oh. as for the eyeliner whether it's liquid or pencil, they're selling 'em @ rm15. there's also revlon's lippie which goes @ rm 20. GRAB 'EM FAST!

location: hypermarket taman bendahara @ pengkalan chepa.
time: NOW NOW NOW! i think the promotion is until tomorrow. but what's the point of waiting? ;)

quick update: eyo&sara wedding photos

tuan rumah dah upload dah.bole le curi masuk sini.hihi.

cemerlang.gemilang.terbilang uolsss.
ni la yg temy cakap 2jam photoshoot tu.huehuehihihuhu.

eyo -_-"
takpe ah yo ktorang gelap je.syukur je eyo tak hitam putihkan ktorang kat belakang ni. ;p

support yang tak terhingga sampai temy pon turun padang. mane nak cari beb. haha.
congrats bro.

credit to: eyo's FB. :)

# special promo.
to those who's interested utk dapatkan khidmat photographer as well as editing ape sume do contact photoplays okayy. the photos are super brilliant! do check out their blog for more info or you can always go to their FB page and here for their wedding page
#make up tips for dark skin tone
first of all, be prepare to read this verrrrry long entry i guess. i'm just helping a friend here who requested me to give her some tips for her since she has dark skin tone. so in this entry, i'll try my best to give my review on the best product for this kind of skin tone as well as who (celebrities) stunningly pull off these looks. :) and oh! there are some tips too.

beauty comes as much from the mind as from the eye- Gray Livingston.

sultry brown eyes by rihanna teamed with nude glossy lips.

innocent yet subtle look pull off by rihanna.
this can be wear for everyday look.

i believe her makeup artist blend brown and gray for eyes and to love to death, her matte pink lips.

who says dark skin tone can't wear bright colored eyeshadow?
add a pop of purple (or anything bright) to your eyes and you're good to go!
just remember to wear nude lippie.

jessica szohr who plays venessa in gossip girl.
looks delicious in her blue eyes and pale pink glossy lips.

kim kardashian fabulous eye drama.

see! ciara fresh make up proves that not only fair skin can pull off the look.
absolutely love this.

so, after all we'll see some tips specially for you.
young women can look garish with bright colored blush.opt for a sheer tinted blusher such pale pink for cuteness, or bronze for a sultry glowy effect.

for the first time, oil is your bestfriend! ;p of course excess oil is unforgiven but with the right amount of shine, it can effects you in glowing beautiful skin. or, if you have dry skin, just dust on a bit of shimmer where you think natural sunlight can hits you.

you can use nude lip gloss for supermodel effects. but remember, always line your lips with lipliner to define lips and also to cover dark lines around the area.

right shade of foundation and powder is crucial to get the gorgeous skin. if you fail this, you're no way to get the whole look perfect. in order to check what is the perfect shade for you, always apply a thin stroke on your cheeks. if the color dissolve into the skin, that's the one for you. never ever try on the back of your wrist. skin color on the area tends to be lighter than your face.

always,always,always prep your skin with moisturizer before applying foundation. even if you have oily skin, opt for oil-free moisturizer. this is to endure you have a smooth surface for makeup.

okay! enough for tips. here are my recommendations for products to be use.
( i use mostly drugstore products as i'm writing this as a student with yeah, low economic budget)

i always believe in the outstanding effect contact lenses can give to your eyes especially if you're asian. it captures light in your eyes and reflect it in photos.
you can wear any color but for natural looking eyes, choose gray or pure hazel. pure hazel does looks weird in the above pic however on black eyes, they looks amazing.
i love : freshlook contact lenses.

foundation can gives you glow on the dark skin. so it's so important before putting any powder.
i love: angelfit liquid foundation. the reason i love this is because my dark skin toned friend use this and it looks awesome on her. :)

set the foundation with this and you have good canvas to begin with.
i love : angelfit compact powder.
the same reason i love its foundation.

sparkling eyeshadow works wonder on your eyes. this adds drama to night look.
i love : maybelline hyper diamonds eyeshadow.

this is less sparkly and can be use on day look.
i love :maybelline eye studio diamond glow ( you can wear any colour. bright pops on the eyes while earth color glam you up)

mineralized blusher. opt for bronze for a sexy radiant.
i love : MAC mineralized blusher.

volumizing mascara. it's like a must have for you to accentuate your lashes.
i love : rimmel sexy curves mascara. omg i've been looking for this for a long time. pls inform me if you found this mascara thank you ;p

that's all i guess. as for lippie, you can choose from lipstick to lipgloss or lipstain. in doesn't matter. just be careful to select the right color. pale pink or nude peachy tones are my most of the time fav for dark skin tone. they pull off the look so well with these lippie. :(
and i don't. pfft.

so yeah, till here, bubye. hope this entry can gives you a bit of info on choosing the perfect look for you!


happy for both of you.

sampai sekarang macam takpercaya yg these two dh kawen.hahaha.look at them.comel kan?rasa nak cubit cubit pipi sara sebab comel sgt.she's like soooo small and eyo is soooo tough. omaigod eyo sgt protective kot. i'm impressed by how they communicate. subhanallah.they both respect each other. cakap pon lembut lembut je. manja manja. hihihi. imagine if tu temy. ngan ayeh itu sudah masyaAllah! ;p looking at them, temy teringat kisah rasulullah bercakap dengan isterinya. lemah lembut. mungkin taksampai tahap tu cuma yang temy boleh cakap, this is the first time temy speechless tengok pengantin. hehe. obviously,they are the perfect match for each other.

tgahari tadi temy pegi rumah sara,since their wedding is today. hujan. so agak diva lah juga berpayung segala untuk sampai ke destinasi. takkan nak park keta depan khemah kot kan. diva sangat tu. jangan. temy yang bawak hadiah. cis bedebah takguna kau hanim nak diva sorang. nasib baik punya wedges yang tinggi so percikan manja air tidak kena di hujung kain ku. dah sampai, kitorang terus jumpa pengantin. okay takbleh blah sangat yang ni. ada kakak sorang tu tanya ktorang, eh adik beradik ke ni? temy cakap aah adik beradik sangat. yang ni adik saya. ni la hanim in case korang tertanya tanya adakah bulat seperti temy. ya. adakah pendek seperti temy. tidak. adakah comel seperti ehem, temy. ha lu pikirlah sendiri. ni hanim.

eleh nak snap pic same aku.dahla tipu dah kapel taknak bagitau cani ah kawan.diam ah kau nim.

makanan, two thumbs up.sambal memang killer. sirap pon killer.nasib i tak berkencing manis. takpe ah temy tau yg membuatnya manis. hihi. gila random ntah ntah sape je yg bancuh sirap tu. ;p hanim sampai tambah kot.tulah kau. orang suruh ambik banyak nasik terus taknak.malu lah apelah.kan dah tambah sekali lagikk. nasib takde orang sangat tadi. dah siap makan, kitorang masuk dlm rumah. standard kenduri, buffet luar rumah. okay yg ni macam agak yayaya sikit. spend around two hours kot utk sesi bergambar bersama beloved friends. pengantin taklah bergambar sangat. kawan kawan je yang lebih lebih. haha semua comel. dedeq pakai bigbow hairband yang paling comel skali. ok aya terpijak lampu sampai pecah masa ambik gambar -_-" hihihi takpe ya. temy tau tu bukan salah awak. lampu tu yang fragile sangat. aya taksalah kan ya? dah siap semua temy ngan hanim balik umah tukar baju kaler biru pulak sbb tema outdoor photoshoot eyo&sara kaler biru. beach was selected to be their location! sumpah cantik gila view and surrounding. ada lalang2. altho penyeksaan gak ah nak sampai ke spot terbaek iteww. haruslah mengharungi duri onak ranjau. serious taktipu memang ada duri. sakit tau. otw balik, maxim dukung effy. tak aci T-T mesti ayeh takleh angkat temy camtu kan?temy berat.sob sob sobbbbb. maka terselamat lah effy dari penangan duri duri rakus itu. tapi mencik ah. maxim ngan effy sweet sangat. hehehe. can't wait for their turn pulak. ni maxim&effy.
the amature!

ni je pic yg temy jumpa altho maxim nampak blurrrrr sangat sorry ah korang. carik pic yang dlm lif effy pakai baju great britain takde korang hide album ke weh?

so that's all for today. last but not least, selamat pengantin baru eyo&sara! semoga cepat2 dapat anak sbb sure thang dia comel punya. haha. bye.
# natural makeup tutorial.
hello guys! as promised, i'll do a tutorial on how to use eyeshadow (refer to previous entry) to create natural look. pair it with red lips for glamorous feel, or match it with pale pink for old glam hollywood. to look fresh and dewy, just slap on your lip stain and you're good to go! :) and oh. that's what i wear here:

silkygirl blockbuster color palette in bare classics
silkygirl double intense eyeliner in pure black
elianto extreme volumiser emulsion mascara in black
the bodyshop lips & cheek stain
random blusher. ;p

first thing first. wear your foundation and do cover your spots with concealer. but if spots are your thangggg just go on with it.sexay what.fjkthwvm. we have photoshop. ;p
p/s: i photoshoped all my pics :D

bare faced-temy :)

apply lightest shade on your lids. put some in tearduct too to create bright eyed effect.

check for your crease. locate where the eyelids fold, that's where you're going to apply dark shade.

hihi that's mine. so apply the dark shade eyeshadow THERE.
ouh! don't forger to blend the colors well so that it doesn't look to harsh or edgy.

apply darkest brown to 3/4 of your lower lashline.

winged your eyeliner :)

lastly, coat your eyelashes with black mascara. smile and put on your blush.
wear your gorgeous shade of lippie and tadaa!

good luck!
splurge or steal?
hey guys. aha two entries in a row. sory i memang overwhelmed sikit kalau bnyk benda nak cakap. hehe. now temy nak share eyeshadow yang kalau korang ada banyaaaaak duit, blhla korang spend kan untuk beli this kind of eyeshadow and if guys punya kewangan suam suam kuku (macam saya!macam saya!) korang tetap boleh dpt result yg sama, effect yang sama but without spending too much on it. kualiti takbanyak beza sangat pon cuma yeah, maybe intensity nya lah berbeda dikit. alah takkesah. boleh je kan layer banyak kali sampai kaler tu intense kan. ;p


MAC eyeshadow pot in vanilla. rm55

MAC eyeshadow pot in satin taupe. rm55

with these two eyeshadows, you can get natural eye makeup within 5mins. wah giteww. i sounds like a spokeperson. ahah better not.


silkygirl blockbuster color palette now @ rm19.90
it contains four, did i say four? yes! up to four colors in a palette! on #1 is similar to MAC vanilla and the #3 is similar to MAC satin taupe.

p/s: i'll do tutorial on this tomorrow, Insyaallah. get ready to be pretty girls!